
Trump’s Fiery Roast: Unleashes on NYT Reporter, Judge & AG Witness; Media Reacts!

Former President Donald J. Trump can’t seem to resist stirring the pot on social media, and his recent post on Truth Social was no exception. In his classic Trumpian style, he unleashed a scathing critique of New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, referring to her as “Maggot Hagerman.” Oh, the wordplay! Trump must have spent hours coming up with that clever nickname.

Now, why was Trump so fired up about Haberman? Well, it seems he took issue with her coverage of a recent court case. According to Trump, Haberman was more concerned with a gag order than the actual merits of the case. Can you believe it? A reporter focusing on a crucial legal aspect instead of singing Trump’s praises? The nerve!

But that’s not all. Trump also had some choice words for the “Trump Hating Judge” and the “Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness.” He accused the witness of “choking like a dog on the Witness Stand,” which is quite the visual. And let’s not forget the new charges of lying to Congress Under Oath. Trump saw this as a clear sign that they no longer had a case against him. I mean, if a witness admits to lying, why would anyone take them seriously?

Of course, the liberal media couldn’t resist clutching their pearls over Trump’s post. Mediaite published an opinion piece calling it a “grotesque and childish insult.” Please, spare us the melodrama. It’s not like politicians and journalists go around slinging insults at each other all the time… oh, wait. They do? Well, it seems Trump is just playing the same game they do.

And let’s not forget the grand finale of Trump’s post. He took a swipe at the “Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges” who apparently have so much hatred and bias that they can’t make a fair and reasonable decision. It’s no secret that Trump has had his fair share of courtroom battles, so it’s understandable that he might feel a bit bitter.

Social media, as always, erupted with reactions to Trump’s latest tirade. It seems people either love him or hate him, and there’s not much room for middle ground. But hey, at least Trump knows how to keep things interesting in the world of politics. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that he has a talent for ruffling feathers and getting people talking. And isn’t that what politics is all about?

Written by Staff Reports

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