
Trump’s NH Triump: A Haley Downfall and Dem Debacle!

Donald Trump’s victory in the New Hampshire Republican primary is being downplayed by the media, but the truth is that it was a tremendous triumph. Trump won by a significant margin, with 55 percent of the vote compared to Nikki Haley’s 43 percent. Not only did he win, but he also achieved the highest number of raw votes for a Republican primary candidate in the state’s history. Despite being an open primary where Democrats can vote, Trump still emerged victorious. This is a remarkable feat considering that 70 percent of Haley voters were not registered Republicans.

It’s worth noting that New Hampshire is not a MAGA state like Iowa or South Carolina, making Trump’s win even more impressive. The media’s attempt to spin this victory as a sign of weakness for Trump is completely unfounded. The fact is that Trump is not an incumbent president, and his challengers like Haley, DeSantis, and Scott recognize that. If Trump were an incumbent, they wouldn’t even be competing against him. Trump’s record-setting win in New Hampshire proves that he has a strong base of support and is a formidable contender.

As for Haley’s decision to remain in the race, it makes sense from a strategic standpoint. The South Carolina primary is still weeks away, and anything can happen in politics. By staying in the race, Haley keeps her options open and can drop out if it becomes clear that she won’t perform well in her home state. Additionally, the competition from Haley will only make Trump and his team sharper, like a tune-up fight before the championship bo

Trump’s victory in the New Hampshire primary is a clear sign of his continued popularity and support. Despite facing significant challenges and an open primary, Trump emerged victorious with record-breaking votes. The media’s attempt to downplay his win is nothing more than biased spin. Trump has proven time and time again that he is a force to be reckoned with in the Republican party.

Written by Staff Reports

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