
Tucker Slams Biden Over Shady Letter: Bursting With Illegal Excitement!

In a jaw-dropping interview between conservative news titan Tucker Carlson and Devon Archer, a former partner of Hunter Biden, a letter from Joe Biden himself was brought into the spotlight. The letter, dated January 20, 2011, was a chummy thank-you note from then-Vice President Biden to Archer, praising their personal connection amidst Archer’s business endeavors. The letter, sent to Archer’s company Rosemont Seneca Partners, went a little something like this:

“Dear Devon, Sorry I couldn’t catch you at the luncheon yesterday. You know, I was kind of busy rubbing elbows with President Hu from China. But hey, let’s meet up soon with Hunter, alright? Hope you enjoyed your lunch and thanks for showing up. Truly yours, Joseph R. Biden Jr. Oh, and by the way, really happy you and Hunter are together.”

During the interview, Carlson couldn’t believe his eyes at the content of the letter. “I mean, here we have the Vice President himself telling a guy in his thirties, who’s not even in the government, that he’d rather chat with him than with the leader of China. Talk about priorities, am I right?”

Curious about the meaning behind the letter, Carlson asked Archer, “So what exactly was he thanking you for?”
Archer responded, “Well, at the time, we were just starting out in our business partnership. I think he was thanking me and Hunter for bringing this idea of a government advisory business to the world of private equity. He was just excited for Hunter and wanted to express his gratitude. It was a nice gesture, you know?”

Carlson wasn’t about to let him off the hook though, highlighting the questionable nature of the Vice President engaging in private business discussions. “Sure, it’s a nice gesture. Very polite. I’d give it a solid 10 on the etiquette scale. But keep in mind, this is the Vice President of the United States we’re talking about. He’s discussing foreign business deals with you and thanking you for them. Seems a little fishy, don’t you think?”

Archer acknowledged the complexity of the situation, reflecting on his past experiences. “Well, I guess you could say I hit the jackpot finding a company that knows its way around the regulatory world. But at the end of the day, being a little too close to the sun can leave you burned.”

This letter brings up even more questions about Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings and how much he really knew about the potential ethical concerns. Carlson was quick to point out that as Vice President, Biden wasn’t supposed to be dabbling in business dealings with foreign governments. Naughty, naughty.

The interview between Carlson and Archer paints a picture of complex relationships, moral dilemmas, and a willingness to use personal connections in the cutthroat world of business. The 2011 letter from Joe Biden only adds fuel to the fire of the ongoing narrative around the Biden family’s questionable business activities. You won’t want to miss this bone-chilling interview – it’s a real eye-opener!

Written by Staff Reports

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