
UN Flunks Again: UNRWA Trucks Caught Hauling Hamas Rockets?

The liberal, anti-Israel United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has once again found itself in hot water. This time, it’s over allegations that they were complicit in bringing rockets into Gaza and aiding in attacks against Israel. Thomas White, the director of UNRWA affairs, was put in the hot seat during a recent interview on CNN, where he was grilled over these damning accusations.

The Israel Defense Forces claim that rockets were discovered on trucks entering Gaza, and shockingly, these trucks were marked with the UNRWA’s logo. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, another claim arose that a UNRWA teacher was involved in the abduction of an Israeli hostage. Talk about shady business!

But when presented with these serious allegations, what was White’s response? Instead of addressing the accusations directly, he dodged and weaved like a pro boxer in the ring, babbling about how UNRWA has been distributing bags of flour to the people in Gaza. Oh, how convenient to suddenly change the subject to something seemingly innocent, huh? But we see right through that smoke and mirrors tactic!

White is quick to deny that UNRWA trucks were involved in transporting rockets, emphasizing that they were only carrying wheat flour and other basic supplies. Riiiiiight, and pigs can fly! It’s like they’re trying to distract us with a shiny new toy to keep our eyes off the real issue at hand.

And let’s not forget the disturbing accusations from a watchdog that UNRWA workers were practically cheering on the terrorist attacks by Hamas. Can you believe that? This raises even more concerns about the organization’s true motives and loyalties.

It’s clear that UNRWA is playing a dangerous game, cozying up to terrorists and turning a blind eye to their despicable actions. Thomas White’s feeble attempts to deflect attention away from these damning allegations only further confirm the organization’s involvement in aiding and abetting those who seek to harm our great ally, Israel. It’s time for the UNRWA to be held accountable for its actions and for the United States to reconsider its funding of this shady and biased agency.

Written by Staff Reports

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