
UN Ignores Hamas, Bullishly Demands Israel Ceasefire Resolution

The United Nations General Assembly, made up of all member states, has once again shown its biased and unfair treatment of Israel by passing a resolution demanding Israel stop its war against the genocidal terrorist group, Hamas. Shockingly, the resolution failed to condemn Hamas or even mention their name. This is a disgraceful omission, considering the horrendous crimes that Hamas has committed, including the killing of over 1,200 innocent people, the abduction of 250 others, and the desecration of corpses.

It is clear that the United Nations has a long history of being anti-Israel, as shown by the fact that over half of its resolutions in 2022 were aimed at condemning Israel. This is a disproportionate amount of attention given to one country, while the rest of the world’s problems take a backseat. It is also outrageous that top officials at the United Nations have made explicitly anti-Semitic statements and collaborated with Hamas.

Furthermore, it is absurd that the resolution demands an immediate ceasefire, which would only serve to protect Hamas and allow them to regroup and plan their next attack on Israel. The United Nations has once again failed to stand up for justice and condemn terrorism.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, rightfully expressed his disappointment in the General Assembly’s resolution. He emphasized that a ceasefire in Gaza would only ensure the survival of Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization committed to the annihilation of Israel and Jews. Erdan has made it clear that Israel will not stop its operations until Hamas is destroyed and all hostages are returned.

It is disheartening to see the United Nations repeatedly overlook the crimes committed by Hamas and instead focus on condemning Israel. This biased treatment only serves to further isolate and demonize the Jewish state. It is time for the United Nations to hold terrorist organizations accountable and stop singling out Israel for unfair criticism.

Written by Staff Reports

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