
Unbelievable! Fauci Changes Tune on Masks Yet Again

With Joe Biden deteriorating mentally and physically, along with his abysmal approval ratings and failing economic message, there is growing talk about replacing him on the ticket. It may seem far-fetched, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Gavin Newsom swoops in to take the place of the aging president who won’t be up to the task come 2024. The man needs four vacation days for every day of work he actually does.

Biden’s sluggishness in processing essential information for governing is reminiscent of a three-toed sloth. And now, like a bad horror movie sequel, the Covid stories are starting to resurface. Apparently, there’s a new variant that no one really cares about because most of us have moved on with our lives. This virus is here to stay, folks. It will come and go with the seasons, so let’s stop with the constant analysis and fear-mongering. The public isn’t buying it because we have bigger things to worry about, like the tanking economy and inflation devouring our paychecks. Instead of focusing on this insignificant virus, we have Dr. Fauci making a comeback to spread panic and recycle old science fiction talking points, such as the effectiveness of masks.

CNN host Michael Smerconish even cited a New York Times article that revealed masks don’t actually work. And how does Fauci respond? Oh, there are other studies out there, he says. Well, guess what? This isn’t news. Fauci himself admitted in his emails that masks are ineffective. A massive Danish study even hoped to prove that masks could cut down the spread of infection, but it found that the difference was statistically insignificant. So let’s put an end to these mask mandates and lockdown threats. It’s time for Fauci to crawl back under the rock he came from.

Written by Staff Reports

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