
VoteVets Unleashes $45M War Chest to Prop Up Biden & Dems!

VoteVets, a left-leaning political action committee that loves to throw tons of cash at liberal causes, is diving headfirst into propping up President Joe Biden and his Democrat cronies with a whopping $45 million injection. What are they trying to buy with all that money, you might ask? Well, they’re aiming to influence the 2024 election by swaying veterans and military families in key battleground states! Yep, you heard that right! They’re tossing $15 million at a project to woo veterans and their families and endorse Democratic House candidates who have some type of military background or are in a heated political race.

But that’s not all, folks! They’re planning to blast TV and radio ads and go nuts with emails in rural areas where loads of veterans reside. Did someone say overkill? In a chat with the New York Times, one of the organization’s bigwigs, Jon Soltz, blabbered on about how they’re going to use the ads to bash former President Donald Trump. They’re all riled up about Trump’s previous statements against the military, and you bet they’re gonna milk it for all it’s worth.

They even cooked up a 60-second ad in Pennsylvania to slam Trump for calling veterans “suckers” and “losers.” Of course, they had to throw in the emotional Gold Star families to tug at your heartstrings. And, guess what? They’re not thrilled with Biden’s handling of the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Plot twist – the support for Biden’s veteran handling hasn’t gone over too well! Who would’ve thought?

To ice the cake, they’re also cozying up to back Democratic candidates duking it out in tight Senate races in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, and Montana. We know what they’re up to! They’re desperate to flex their financial muscles and tilt the political scales in their favor. Oh, and let’s not forget the supposed “vile and absurd” ad that the Veterans for Trump Coalition is railing against. They’re not having it one bit!

So, there you have it! VoteVets is opening up their money firehose to splash around and try to hoist Biden and the Democrats into power for another term. Let the political games begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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