
Wall Street Analyst Axed After Anti-Israel Tirade Goes Viral

A Wall Street analyst found himself in some hot water after a video of him and his partner went viral, showing them spreading some pretty wild accusations about Israel and engaging in some pretty appalling behavior towards a Jewish American. The analyst, identified as Kurush Mistry, was caught on video telling the Jewish American to “go back to your country” and covering up hostage posters with signs accusing Israel of being an “apartheid state” committing “genocide.” Not exactly a friendly conversation over a cup of tea, huh?

The man and his partner, Shailja Gupta, were confronted by someone filming them, and they didn’t exactly respond with grace and poise. They were flipping the bird and being just a tad hostile, to say the least. Mistry seemed to be pretty proud of his actions, holding up the sign accusing Israel and telling the person confronting them to “go live in Israel … go back to your country!” Real classy move, buddy.

But it didn’t stop there. Gupta, his partner in crime, wasn’t holding back either. She repeatedly told the Jewish man to “f– off” and accused Israelis of being “rapists.” She even claimed that she had “proved it,” as if she were some kind of investigator solving some twisted mystery. Talk about a wild ride, folks.

Of course, the company, Freepoint Commodities, had to step in and do some damage control. They made it clear in a statement that they do not tolerate discrimination and hate speech directed against any group and that Mistry is “no longer associated with” the company. Turns out, Mistry had been with the company for a whopping nine years before this incident. Yikes.

It’s always a shocker when someone’s true colors come out, especially when it involves spreading hate and making outlandish accusations. Let’s hope this sort of behavior doesn’t pop up again anytime soon. On to the next news!

Written by Staff Reports

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