
Waltz Blasts Biden’s Iran Fumble: Weak Leadership Costs Lives!

President Joe Biden is back at it again, and Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) is not holding back on his criticism. The Florida congressman is calling out Biden for tipping off Iran about the U.S.’s response to the attack on American troops, eliminating any potential element of surprise. Waltz, a former Special Forces commander in Afghanistan and a colonel in the National Guard, is not mincing words when he says that Biden’s approach of signaling the response without seeking a “wider war in the Middle East” is nothing short of a deliberate sabotage.

Waltz is not just pointing fingers, though; he’s offering a three-point plan for the U.S.’s next steps. First, he emphasizes the need to target IRGC operatives directly, rather than just their proxies. Second, he advocates for tightening the economic squeeze on Iran by enforcing sanctions and drying up their cash flow. And third, he demands that the U.S. not stand idly by when the Iranian people rise up against their oppressive regime.

And if that’s not enough, Waltz isn’t shy about placing the blame squarely on Biden’s shoulders, stating that the president’s weak and indecisive leadership is not just costing American lives, but also emboldening the Iranian regime. Ouch. The congressman even brings up former President Donald Trump’s response to a similar situation, highlighting the swift and decisive action that resulted in a halt to the attacks.

But it’s not just Rep. Waltz who’s taking aim at Biden’s tactics. Former Vice President Mike Pence is also adding his voice to the chorus of disapproval, accusing the Biden administration of undoing all the progress that the Trump administration had made in containing the Iranian regime. Pence specifically calls out Biden for abandoning the Iran nuclear deal and imposing tough sanctions on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which was an integral part of Trump’s strategy to isolate the regime and curtail its influence.

And with the recent drone attack in Jordan claiming the lives of three U.S. troops, Republicans are seizing the opportunity to lay the blame at Biden’s feet. They argue that Biden’s continued weaknesses and appeasement strategy towards Iran have emboldened the authoritarian regime, leading to the tragic loss of American lives. The attack on the military base in Jordan serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing threats posed by Iranian-aligned groups, and the finger-pointing at Biden’s lack of resolve is not letting up.

Moreover, Rep. Waltz is not just concerned about the immediate repercussions. He’s also connecting the dots to broader geopolitical challenges, citing the impact of Biden’s policies on conflicts in the Middle East and beyond. From the fallout of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan to the conflict in Gaza, Waltz is painting a bleak picture of the consequences of Biden’s so-called failed Iran policy. With the resurgence of terrorism and the potential for threats on American soil, he is not holding back in his critique of Biden’s approach, highlighting a dangerous vulnerability that could have far-reaching implications.


Written by Staff Reports

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