
Whitmer Melts Down, Pushes IVF Fear in Desperate Biden Plea

Folks, hold onto your hats because here comes another wild ride of liberal hypocrisy and fear-mongering! Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic darling of Michigan, went on a tirade against Republicans daring to support in vitro fertilization (IVF). She slung mud at the Alabama Supreme Court for recognizing cryogenically frozen embryos as “extrauterine children,” claiming it would make access to IVF more difficult. Well, well, well, isn’t that just like a Democrat – always blaming others for their own problems!

Whitmer ranted about how the Republicans’ stance on IVF doesn’t affect the Democratic Party’s messaging on abortion. What a load of baloney! The hypocrisy is so thick, you could spread it on a piece of toast and call it breakfast. She even had the audacity to claim that even in a progressive state like Michigan, where she’s supposedly championing reproductive freedom, everything is still at risk if Trump wins a second term. It’s like she’s trying to scare people into voting for her side or else the world will end.

And let’s not forget her rabid support for ol’ Sleepy Joe Biden. She’s drinking the Democrat Kool-Aid so much that she’s seeing Trump in her sleep. She squawked about how any vote not cast for Biden is a vote for a second Trump term. Talk about desperate measures! Whitmer’s so terrified of Trump winning in 2024 that she’s practically begging people to vote for Biden as if it’s the only way to save the world.

But wait, there’s more! Whitmer even launched into a tirade about the 2024 presidential election, warning about the potential apocalypse if Trump were to win again. It’s like she’s auditioning for a role in a doomsday movie. And of course, she couldn’t resist taking a jab at Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a former Democratic candidate who decided to run as an independent. Classic Democrat move – eat your own if they don’t toe the party line.

The absolute nerve of this woman! She’s waving the flag of fear and division, trying to keep folks in line with her party’s narrative while demonizing anyone who dares to think differently. It’s like she’s hoping to scare people into submission. Well, here’s a newsflash for you, Governor Whitmer: the circus act is up, and we can see right through your fearmongering tactics. It’s time to give the American people some credit and let them think for themselves, without the constant barrage of fear and division.

Written by Staff Reports

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