
Williamson Slams DNC, Urges Open Primary Against Biden

Marianne Williamson, the Democratic presidential hopeful and self-help guru, apparently got tired of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) playing gatekeeper for their geriatric President. She’s called out the DNC for squashing any chance of a competitive primary to challenge Joe Biden, who seems more lost than ever after his embarrassing debate performance last week.

Williamson, who has made repeated attempts to nab the Democratic nomination – most recently in a campaign that yo-yoed back and forth earlier this year – described Biden’s debate as an outright disaster. She’s pointing out what many on both sides of the aisle are whispering: Biden’s latest on-stage showing was a facepalm moment for the ages. The President stumbled through his first 2024 debate against Donald Trump, leaving everyone cringing as he appeared dazed and far from coherent.

With Biden’s team scrambling to pin his lackluster debate performance on everything from jet lag to over-preparation, Rep. Lloyd Doggett from Texas became the first Democratic lawmaker to break ranks and openly suggest that Biden step down from the race. This move has forced the President to turn up the charm offensive, making calls to Democratic lawmakers and even granting an interview to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, hoping to regain lost ground.

Meanwhile, Williamson hit the nail on the head, stressing that the real danger for the Democrats isn’t Trump but their own voter apathy. Even Jason Palmer, a venture capitalist who surprisingly outdid Biden in American Samoa during Super Tuesday, weighed in, urging Biden to bow out and let the younger generation take the reins. Palmer’s take was that at 81 years old, Biden is just not up to the task anymore – a sentiment gathering steam among his Democratic peers.

Palmer, alongside Williamson and some pragmatic Democratic governors, has floated the idea of a more dynamic primary with multiple debates, presenting a golden opportunity for fresh leadership. Former House Minority Whip Jim Clyburn also suggested a mini primary before the Democratic National Convention if Biden steps aside, adding more fuel to the fire.

So now the Democrats face a grim reality: either rally behind a wobbling Biden or risk a voter exodus come election time. Williamson’s critique rings loud and clear. It’s high time the DNC stopped manipulating the process and started worrying less about protecting Biden’s fragile ego and more about the health of their so-called democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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