
Youngkin’s Clemency for Parent Silences Left’s Hypocrisy

Attention, fellow conservatives! Get ready for a wild ride through the twisted world of leftist justice and political correctness. Buckle up and hold on tight as we delve into the outrageous story of Glenn Youngkin, the fearless Republican governor of Virginia, and his act of clemency towards a brave parent who took a stand against the radical agenda infiltrating our schools.

It all started when Scott Smith’s daughter was horrifically assaulted by a male student who identified as “gender fluid.” Can you believe what our schools have come to? This young man, dressed in a skirt no less, committed this heinous act in a bathroom designated for female students. It’s absolutely sickening!

In a show of righteous anger, Scott Smith unleashed his fury at a school board meeting on June 22, 2021. But instead of receiving support and justice for his daughter, he was charged with disorderly conduct. Can you believe it? Meanwhile, the perpetrator roamed free. It’s a classic case of putting the innocent on trial and letting the guilty walk away unscathed.

But fear not, my fellow conservatives, because Governor Youngkin heard the cries for justice and decided to intervene. He granted clemency to Scott Smith, pardoning him for his so-called “crime.” Finally, someone had the guts to stand up against the biased system that prioritizes political correctness over the safety of our children.

And Governor Youngkin didn’t stop there. He boldly declared that Smith’s conviction was a “gross miscarriage of justice” and called out the school superintendent for attempting to cover up the incident. Bravo, Governor! Bravo! It’s refreshing to see a leader with the backbone to speak the truth and protect our conservative values.

Oh, but the story doesn’t end there, my friends. Smith and his family even had to take Loudoun County Public Schools to court over the violent encounter and his subsequent arrest. Can you believe the lengths they had to go to for justice? The school board tried to deny their knowledge of the incident, but emails revealed that they had been informed all along. This is the epitome of hypocrisy!

Thankfully, justice prevailed when a jury finally recognized that the individual accused of assault was indeed guilty. The evidence spoke for itself, and the judge acknowledged the violent nature of the crime. But here’s the outrageous twist: in January 2022, the judge decided to withdraw the perpetrator from the sex offender registry. Can you imagine the shock and disappointment felt by the Smith family? It’s a slap in the face to all those fighting for the safety and well-being of our children.

This story, my fellow conservatives, is just one example of the uphill battle we face against the radical left and their dangerous ideology. We need leaders like Governor Youngkin who are willing to stand up for what’s right, despite the pushback from the liberal media and their cronies. It’s time to reclaim our schools and protect our children from the perils of the leftist agenda. Let’s support those who fight for justice, even when it means going against the grain. Together, we can restore sanity and conservative values to our great nation!

Written by Staff Reports

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