
2024 Election Circus: Outsiders Aim for the Oval Against Biden-Trump Rematch!

It seems like everyone and their dog is trying to get in on the 2024 presidential race. The election is looking like it’s going to be chock full of independent, third party, and long shot candidates who think they’ve got what it takes to steal the show from the inevitable rematch between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump.

You’ve got members of Congress, scholars, and even folks from big-time political families all throwing their hats into the ring. But let’s be real here, their odds of winning are about as slim as a cat on a diet managing to resist a bowl of cream.

The last time somebody not affiliated with a party won the presidency was when George Washington was cruising around in a powdered wig. Plus, incumbents hardly ever get kicked to the curb by their own parties. The way things usually go, it’s like trying to get the dog to share his bone – it just ain’t happening.

But these third party characters are all out here like, “Hey, Americans are feeling antsy and ready to shake things up!” They’re saying people are tired of the same old same old, and they want something fresh to sink their teeth into. It’s like they think they can defy history or something. Bless their little hearts – they sure are optimistic.

Take Jill Stein, for instance. She ran for president with the Green Party in 2012 and 2016, and now she’s throwing her hat in the ring again. She’s all about sustainable energy and saving the planet, which is great and all, but it seems like she’s hoping lightning will strike the same place three times. Not very likely, but you’ve gotta give her props for her persistence!

Then there’s this fella Cornel West, a big-time thinker on the progressive side of things. He was going to run with the Green Party, but now he’s trying his luck as an independent. Hey, Cornel, good luck buddy, but it’s like trying to teach a fish to ride a bicycle!

And let’s not forget about this little-known congressman from Minnesota, Dean Phillips. He’s giving Sleepy Joe a run for his money in the Democratic primary. Phillips seems to think the Democrats are setting themselves up for failure by sticking with ol’ Biden, who’s starting to collect cobwebs in the Oval Office. Good luck there, Phillips, but it’s like trying to get a cat to take a bath – it’s gonna be a struggle.

They aren’t the only ones causing a ruckus, either. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., of all people, decided to jump in the ring. He’s an environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine advocate, and he’s now running as an independent after dropping out of the Democratic primary. Seems like he’s got a bigger chance of getting pigs to fly than winning the White House, but you do you, Rob.

And just when you think you’ve heard it all, there’s talk of a bipartisan ticket sneaking into the mix. This group called No Labels is working to get access to the ballots in all 50 states, causing Democrats to break a sweat. The worry is that they might swipe some votes from Biden, making it easier for Trump to waltz back into the White House. It’s like a game of tug-of-war, and nobody wants to end up in the mud puddle.

Then you’ve got Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator from West Virginia, and Mitt Romney, a Republican senator from Utah, considering teaming up on a No Labels ticket. This whole thing is starting to sound like a three-ring circus!

One thing’s for sure – no matter how many characters join the race, the ending is sure to be one big whopper of a surprise!

Written by Staff Reports

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