
Acosta Ignores Facts, Plays Defense for Biden’s Border Debacle!

Jim Acosta, the infamous CNN correspondent who has made a name for himself by antagonizing the Trump administration, once again found himself embroiled in a heated exchange, this time with Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC). The two clashed over the media’s coverage of the crisis at the southern border and who should be held responsible.

In a viral clip that has people talking, Acosta attempted to undermine Norman’s statements by accusing him of using baseless rhetoric. The congressman had dared to mention the rapes that occur on the dangerous journey to the border, but Acosta dismissively claimed that the border is not open and accused Norman of peddling talking points. It’s clear that Acosta, true to form, is more interested in pushing his own agenda than in reporting the facts.

Norman pointed out the ineffectiveness of President Joe Biden’s policies and rightfully placed the blame on him for the ongoing crisis. As a member of the House Freedom Caucus, Norman has been vocal about the need to prioritize border security and secure funding to address the issue. However, Acosta seemed unable to comprehend the reality that the border has indeed worsened under the Biden administration.

Acosta’s bias was further highlighted when he accused Norman of demonizing immigrants for voicing concerns about illegal immigrants receiving Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses in New York. It’s unfortunate that Acosta thinks any criticism of immigration policies equates to demonizing immigrants. It’s clear that he is more interested in playing the role of a Democratic activist than in providing fair and balanced reporting.

The truth is, the southern border has seen record high numbers of encounters under the Biden administration, and the situation shows no signs of improvement. Acosta may try to downplay the severity of the crisis, but the facts speak for themselves. Border patrol agents have been overwhelmed and have even criticized Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

It’s no wonder that Biden’s approval ratings on the issue of immigration are abysmal. The American people see through the administration’s gaslighting and misleading statements. Acosta may choose to ignore these facts, but the American people deserve better than his biased reporting.

In the end, it was Rep. Norman who came out on top in this exchange, just as President Trump has done in the past when faced with Acosta’s relentless attacks. Acosta may have his followers, but his credibility as a journalist continues to dwindle.

Written by Staff Reports

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