
AOC Skips Bowman’s Primary Night Watch Party Sparking Commitment Questions

Hamas Caucus member Jamaal Bowman’s campaign rally with Squad queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders got off to a fiery start, as AOC took the stage with the energy of a prizefighter, hyping up the crowd with her signature fervor. The event, held outside Bowman’s district in a somewhat puzzling move, drew attention as radical groups supporting Hamas also made their presence known nearby.

AOC’s passionate plea for support for Bowman and denouncement of AIPAC’s influence on the race seemed to set the tone for the day. However, on Primary Day, when it truly counted, Ocasio-Cortez shockingly backed out of attending Bowman’s primary night watch party, citing sudden scheduling conflicts – leaving many questioning her commitment to the candidate she had so fervently endorsed just days before.

The excuse of a prior engagement running long in Throgs Neck and a mysterious “private” event added to the intrigue surrounding AOC’s absence. With speculations swirling about the reasons behind her no-show, Ocasio-Cortez’s team reassured that she remained supportive of Bowman but offered little clarity on her sudden change in plans.

As Rep. Bowman faced a notably slow turnout at his polling place earlier in the day, the question of whether AOC’s absence played a role in dampening enthusiasm among voters lingers. Additionally, reports hinting at high Jewish turnout spark curiosity about the possible impact on the race’s outcome, especially in a state like New York where tight races can lead to prolonged result-waiting periods post-election.

With the uncertainty of New York primaries in mind, conservatives are advised to stay tuned as the election drama unfolds. The developments surrounding AOC’s no-show and the potential implications on Bowman’s campaign could shed light on the dynamics at play in this closely-watched Democrat primary race.

Written by Staff Reports

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