
AOC Slams “Misinfo” – Forgets Her Own Lies?

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), known for her radical ideologies, recently attempted to condemn “misinformation in all directions.” It’s quite ironic coming from someone who is notorious for spreading propaganda herself.

AOC urged her followers to fact-check claims, photos, and videos that evoke strong emotional reactions. Well, she might want to take her own advice, because the internet has a long memory.

Users on the platform X wasted no time in reminding Ocasio-Cortez about her past use of misinformation. The famous “kids in cages” hoax was brought up, and Meghan McCain even shared AOC’s own social media post from 2019, where she falsely claimed that the U.S. was “stealing refugee children from their parents” and letting them die. It’s important to note that these so-called “cages” were actually temporary holding facilities meant to ensure the safety of children and relieve overcrowding.

What’s even more hypocritical is how AOC changed her tune when Biden took office. Suddenly, the “concentration camps” became “holding facilities,” and her criticisms became much more subdued. It’s clear that her outrage was more about political grandstanding than genuine concern for children’s welfare.

But AOC’s misinformation doesn’t stop at the border. She has also made baseless claims about Israel, equating their security measures with child imprisonment. When asked to provide evidence to back up her accusations, she conveniently declined. It’s clear that spreading misinformation is a habit for her.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), another member of the Squad, has also been caught spreading false information. She shared a photo claiming to depict children being killed in Israel’s war against Hamas, when in reality it was from an attack by Syria’s president. Omar then went on to accuse Israel of “ethnic cleansing” for protecting its citizens from terrorist attacks.

It’s clear that AOC and her squadmates have a habit of pushing hoaxes and spreading misinformation to further their radical agenda. If she wants us to take her condemnation of “misinformation” seriously, she should start by being honest and transparent herself. But then again, if she did that, she wouldn’t be the radical that she is.

Written by Staff Reports

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