
Arizona Governor Dispatches National Guard to Curb Border Chaos!

Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs of Arizona has taken a proactive step to safeguard the border and protect communities by deploying the state’s National Guard. Frustrated by the federal government’s perceived inaction, Hobbs declared, “I am taking action where the federal government won’t.”

While the precise number and arrival time of troops remain uncertain, Hobbs initiated the mobilization of 243 Arizona National Guard soldiers from the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector. Their primary aim is to assist in reopening a border crossing closed since December 4th due to the strain on Border Patrol agents handling daily illegal crossings.

This crossing serves as a crucial route for migrants and Arizonans heading to the Mexican resort of Puerto Peñasco, emphasizing the need for safety and security. Hobbs intends to station National Guard members across the southern border, including key areas like Lukeville, to ensure the well-being of both citizens and migrants.

The National Guard deployment aims to bolster state and local law enforcement efforts in combating illegal activities such as drug trafficking and human smuggling. Hobbs has also called on the Biden administration to reimburse Arizona for its border security spending, a request yet to receive a response.

While US Representative Raúl M. Grijalva holds dissenting views on her executive order, Hobbs firmly opposes the harsh tactics adopted by other governors like Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas. Instead, her focus remains on finding practical solutions that prioritize human life while effectively securing the border and safeguarding Arizona communities.

Written by Staff Reports

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