
Bible is a ‘Foundational Document’: Oklahoma Sup’t Edition!

Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ryan Walters, recently talked to Fox News and made a strong case for teaching the Bible in public schools. He said that the Bible is not just a holy book, but also a "foundational document" in American history. Walters was worried about what he saw as the introduction of political bias into education. He also said that President Joe Biden and the unions were wrong to promote violent material.

Walters criticized Biden and the unions for trying to push their ideas through what he called "graphic pornography." Walters says that instead of showing kids sexual content, we should teach them about the Constitution and the Bible, which he thinks are important for understanding our country's past and what makes it great.

When told that the Supreme Court had ruled in the past that the Bible shouldn't be taught in public schools, Walters stood firm and said, "Yes, sir, we need to look at this. The truth is that the Bible is a key part of our country's past." He thinks that the Bible should be given its proper place in the curriculum, which is in line with the founding principles of freedom of religion and the free practice of faith.

Walters said it was important to remember what the country's leaders said and how much they valued these important freedoms. He asked the people in the room to think about how these ideas fit into schooling today. Walters thinks that by teaching about the Bible in public schools, we can give students a well-rounded education that includes a better knowledge of our country's past and values.

It is nice to see a public servant like Walters stand up for conservative values and fight for the Bible to be taught in our schools. Far too often, liberal ideas rule the school system, which makes people less moral and less aware of where our country came from. By taking a fresh look at the Bible's place in public schools, we can make sure that future generations have a full understanding of American past and the values that have made our great country what it is today.

Written by Staff Reports

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