
Biden Administration Plans Mass Amnesty for Illegal Immigrant Spouses

The Biden administration is revving up its engines for another attempt at mass amnesty, this time targeting illegal immigrant spouses who are married to U.S. citizens. With the launch date for the new program set for August 19, the Department of Homeland Security is scrambling to recruit and train staff, all while the details of the initiative remain as clear as mud. As the clock ticks down, the lack of information is raising eyebrows, and for good reason.

First off, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hasn’t clarified how much this amnesty will cost or what kind of criminal behavior applicants might be able to brush under the rug. It seems the administration is not only eager to let illegal immigrants stay, but it also may sacrifice national security checks in the process. The training for the 267 new positions won’t even start until the same day applications are supposed to begin pouring in. Just in time for chaos, right?

In a world where one might expect a little foresight, the only new detail that’s surfaced is the creation of a completely virtual office to process applications. This is troubling news, as a “100% virtual” operation means fraud could run rampant. Experts are already voicing concerns that this setup is an open invitation for marriage fraud, where forged documents could replace legitimate, hard-earned proof of commitment. Who needs real relationships when you can just hit “print” and have yourself a marriage certificate?

The program is aimed at those who have been living in the U.S. illegally for at least a decade while being married to a citizen. The kicker? It not only coddles the spouses but also extends benefits to their children. What’s more, this amnesty allows individuals to apply for full legal status without stepping foot outside the country—essentially rolling out the welcome mat for those who have ignored existing immigration laws. Critics claim that this is just the beginning of a new industry where people will concoct fraudulent narratives about their marriages to take advantage of the amnesty. 


As if this circus wasn’t enough, political analysts are already connecting the dots between this program and the Biden administration’s attempts to appease the progressive left after announcing stricter border policies. It appears that throwing a few bones to immigrant rights advocates was part of the plan all along. The timing is suspect, to say the least–a clever move to ensure that, if a new administration takes over in the future, they will find it politically and legally challenging to dismantle this newly minted program.

A former immigration judge has suggested that this initiative is a last-ditch effort to solidify the administration’s standing with certain voter bases before the next election cycle kicks into high gear. The only certainty here is that with each passing program, the borders are left more vulnerable, and the rules of citizenship appear to be fading into obsolescence. As the Biden administration continues to navigate its immigration policies, conservative America is left to wonder just how much longer it will be before the land of the free becomes the land of the undocumented—and whether the American people are okay with that.

Written by Staff Reports

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