
Biden Admin’s Outrageous Spending: Billions Wasted on Failed Border Policies & Child Exploitation

It seems as though the Biden administration cannot stop spending taxpayer money in the most illogical locations. Since October 2022, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the Department of Health and Human Services has received an astounding amount of funding, according to a new report from Open the Books. We are referring to the expenditure of billions upon billions of your hard-earned dollars.

The Biden administration spent an eye-popping $8.925 billion on the ORR during fiscal year 2022 alone. However, they continued on from there. They decided to increase the stakes even further in fiscal year 2023 by throwing an even more absurd $10.928 billion at the ORR. They truly cannot get enough of spending your money, to put it simply.

Therefore, for what purpose is every single dollar being spent? The report indicates that it is being utilized to house, transport, and furnish migrants with a variety of services, including loans and medical care. However, the kicker is that allegations have surfaced regarding the ORR's oversight of the mismanagement of cases involving unaccompanied migrant children. Certain children have been relinquished to sponsors who have undergone inadequate screening processes, leading to their exploitation through child labor. The situation is positively unsettling.

Not to mention the unprecedented levels of unauthorized immigration that have occurred during the Biden administration. According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the number of encounters with unauthorized immigrants surpassed 2.2 million in fiscal year 2022 and surpassed 2 million in fiscal year 2023. Despite the undeniable fact that the border crisis has spiraled out of control, the Biden administration continues to allocate funds to the issue without implementing any substantive measures.

The NYT reports that the ORR has lost communication with an astounding 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children, which exacerbates the situation. Essentially, 85,000 children are considered vulnerable and unaccounted for. The current situation is disconcerting and requires urgent consideration and intervention.

However, rather than confronting these significant issues, the Biden administration continues to allocate additional funds to the ORR. Indeed, during fiscal years 2022 and 2023, expenditures on unaccompanied migrant children surpassed $5.5 billion. It appears that prioritizing the satisfaction of far-left members of Congress takes precedence over effectively addressing the current challenges.

The website Founder and chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski is entirely correct in stating that this never-ending escalation of expenses is generating an interminable number of issues. Shelters, schools, and hospitals throughout the nation are suffering as a result of this financial self-harm. The ORR should discontinue squandering taxpayer funds on endless bureaucracy and return to its original mission of resettling genuine refugees.

The manner in which the Biden administration managed the southern border crisis is unfathomably culpable. With justification, the House Homeland Security Committee recently convened hearings regarding the impeachment proceedings involving DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. We require leaders who are capable of implementing resolute measures to cease this border surge. The time has come to hold the Biden administration responsible for its shortcomings.

Allegations of juvenile labor and exploitation have been leveled against the Office of Refugee Resettlement as a consequence of the Biden administration's irresponsible expenditure of taxpayer funds. It is imperative to cease this ceaseless expenditure and realign our attention towards effectively addressing the challenges at the southern border. The American citizens have the right to more.

Written by Staff Reports

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