
Biden Blames Jet Lag for Debate Flop, Ignites Criticism Over Fitness to Lead

President Biden sure has an interesting way of explaining away his less-than-stellar debate performance. At a private fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, he chose to blame his international jet-setting in June, conveniently glossing over the fact that he’d been comfortably back in the U.S. for nearly two weeks before stepping onto the debate stage.

The excuses didn’t stop flying there. Biden said he decided to travel around the world a couple of times, admitting it wasn’t very smart. Ignoring his staff’s advice, which he didn’t bother to elaborate on, he nearly fell asleep on stage during the debate. But don’t worry, America, it’s not an excuse—just an explanation, as he pocketed millions in campaign donations. 


This world tour included a trip to France for the D-Day 80th anniversary and a jaunt to Italy for the G7 summit. Touching back down on U.S. soil by mid-June, he then reportedly took it easy at Camp David. Yet, Biden expects folks to believe jet lag was to blame for his lackluster debate performance a full 12 days later.

The real wonder, though, is the White House’s spin machine. His press secretary blamed a supposed cold for the President’s incoherent and unsteady answers, even though this fundraiser had no mention of said ailment. It’s no wonder that even some Democrats are starting to distance themselves, questioning Biden’s age and mental fitness to lead.

With Democrats showing increasing concern about Biden’s suitability as their front-man, the whispers for him to consider bowing out as the party’s nominee are growing louder. Meanwhile, the rest of America is left to wonder how many more excuses will be made to cover up for what is increasingly looking like a faltering presidency.

Written by Staff Reports

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