
Biden Blooper Bonanza: “Congressman Trump”? Time to Retire Joe!

In a hilarious and oh-so-true twist, the Biden trainwreck presidency has derailed once again, proving that the doddering Democrat is absolutely unfit to lead. In a recent debacle, the 81-year-old career politician had the audacity to refer to former President Donald Trump as “Congressman Trump” during a speech at the CS Wind plant in Pueblo, Colorado. Can you believe this guy?

And it gets even better! While jabbering on about a minimum tax on billionaires in a speech targeting Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert in her district, Biden fumbled and stumbled his way into yet another embarrassing gaffe. Seriously, can someone get this guy a cue card, or, better yet, a one-way ticket to retirement?

Naturally, the internet quickly erupted into a frenzy of mockery, with one person hilariously calling for the nearest nursing home. Ouch! It seems like everyone and their grandma is questioning Biden’s mental sharpness, and who can blame them? Even Boebert herself couldn’t resist taking a jab at Biden, pointing out his ballooning national debt while throwing in a dash of sarcasm. Go, Boebert, go!

The mockery didn’t stop there. Trump political consultant Roger Stone and others took to social media to express their bewilderment at Biden’s apparent confusion. I mean, come on, “Congressman Trump”? What planet is this guy on? Even political commentator Tim Young and others couldn’t resist poking fun at Biden’s colossal blunder. It’s like watching a comedy show!

But let’s move past the chuckles for a moment and get real. This string of embarrassing slip-ups isn’t just a source of endless entertainment; it’s a chilling reminder that the president’s mental health may be in serious decline. And with crushing inflation, skyrocketing crime, and escalating geopolitical tensions becoming the hallmarks of Biden’s presidency, it’s no wonder people are starting to question his fitness for office.

In fact, Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician to multiple presidents, didn’t mince words, proclaiming that Biden is simply not up to the job anymore. According to Jackson, Biden’s mental decay is nothing short of a dire emergency that threatens both national security and global stability. Yikes!

With the southern border under siege and wars erupting in various regions, the last thing the United States needs is a leader who can’t even read a teleprompter without committing colossal blunders. It’s time for someone in Biden’s inner circle to step up and make him aware of the obvious: he’s just not cutting it anymore.

Written by Staff Reports

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