
Biden Bows to Beijing at Latest Summit, Ignores U.S. Woes

It seems like President Joe Biden is at it again, cozying up to China’s Xi Jinping with no regard for the growing concerns of the American people. The two leaders are meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, and let’s just say, expectations for anything productive coming out of this pow-wow are about as low as Biden’s approval ratings.

Biden and Xi have a laundry list of issues to address, but don’t hold your breath for any major breakthroughs. While Biden is trying to emphasize the importance of stable relations with China, let’s not forget that this is the same guy who’s been turning a blind eye to the disastrous economic consequences of his policies.

So, what’s on Biden’s agenda? Well, for starters, he’s keen on emphasizing the U.S.’s expanded export controls on semiconductor chips while trying to reassure Xi that he’s not out for economic warfare. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been blabbering on about seeking a “healthy economic relationship” with China, but we all know that’s just code for more appeasement and weak leadership from the Biden administration.

And let’s not forget about Taiwan – a hot-button issue sure to ruffle some feathers. Biden seems intent on reopening military communications with Taiwan, much to the chagrin of Beijing. The U.S. has also made it abundantly clear that they won’t stand for any meddling in Taiwan’s upcoming presidential elections. Looks like Biden is finally standing up for something… well, sort of.

On the flip side, Xi Jinping is hoping to get some warm and fuzzy reassurances from Biden that the U.S. won’t support Taiwanese independence or start a new cold war. But let’s be real, Xi’s wish list doesn’t stop there. He’s also hoping for a promise from Biden not to stifle China’s economic growth – as if the U.S. should be responsible for propping up China’s economy while neglecting our own.

Xi is also looking to strike a deal with Biden on trade. It seems like Beijing is eager to roll back tariffs and sanctions imposed by the U.S., all while trying to attract more foreign investment. It’s almost comical how China expects the U.S. to play nice while they continue to throw their weight around in the global economy.

In the end, these talks are more likely to result in more empty promises and lackluster outcomes – just the kind of leadership we’ve come to expect from President Biden. Let’s hope he remembers whose interests he’s supposed to be looking out for – hint: it’s not China’s!

Written by Staff Reports

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