
Biden Calls Trump a Felon Trump Fires Back at Hunter Biden’s Legal Issues

President Joe Biden launched a scathing attack on presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, labeling him a “convicted felon” in reference to his New York conviction. Trump wasted no time in hitting back, highlighting the legal troubles of Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. According to Trump, Hunter is a “convicted felon at a very high level,” alluding to recent convictions and potential future legal issues.

The back-and-forth between the two political heavyweights intensified as Trump brought up Hunter Biden’s conviction for making a false statement on a gun application and being in possession of a firearm while a drug user. This contrasted sharply with Trump’s own legal battles, specifically the 34 counts of falsifying business records he faced in relation to hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels.

In his criticism of the Justice Department under Biden’s leadership, Trump accused it of being politically motivated and failing to pursue important cases against the Biden family. Trump insinuated that Biden himself could face legal troubles once out of office, suggesting that he too could become a “convicted felon” in the future.

The exchange between Biden and Trump underscores the deep-seated animosity and personal attacks that characterize modern American politics. Each side is quick to point out the alleged wrongdoings of the other, using legal issues to score political points and undermine the credibility of their opponent. Whether these accusations hold any weight remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the rivalry between Biden and Trump shows no signs of cooling down anytime soon.

Written by Staff Reports

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