
Biden Criticizes LA Synagogue Chaos Amid Accusations of Opportunism

President Joe Biden, finally emerging from his basement of indecision, joined the chorus of Democratic officials wagging fingers at the chaos outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles. A hyperbolic post on social media had him labeling the intimidation of Jewish congregants as dangerous, unconscionable, antisemitic, and un-American. Apparently, when it rains, it pours liberal outrage—especially if it means scoring political points.

Pro-Palestinian protesters, who seemed to have missed the memo on peaceful protest, clashed with pro-Israel demonstrators. In a scene straight out of a bad reality TV show, the progressives blocked the synagogue entrance, throwing punches, shoves, and curses like confetti at a New Year’s bash. Adas Torah sits in a predominantly Jewish area of Los Angeles, which is precisely the kind of neighborhood Democrats neglect until there’s a public relations crisis to exploit.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, always eager for a headline, echoed the sentiment, declaring that LA won’t stand for antisemitism and violence. Her eloquence would’ve been more convincing if it wasn’t for her track record of presiding over a city with homelessness and crime skyrocketing like a Fourth of July firework. To calm the storm, she called for additional police patrols, in the same breath, likely calling for defunding that very same police a few months ago.

Not to be outdone, California’s own Governor, Gavin Newsom, decided to chime in from his mansion of irony. Newsom proclaimed that antisemitic hatred has no place in California, strikingly detached from the reality of growing antisemitic incidents under his watch. The speed at which Democrats jump to Twitter to condemn violence mirrors their sprint from accountability when policies backfire.

Meanwhile, Biden’s teetering stand on the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to give whiplash to both his supporters and detractors. His calls for a conditional ceasefire are as reliable as Hollywood marriages, resulting only in him being trailed by protesters at every pit stop. Though he boasts of historic support for Israel, the growing schism within his own party reveals a leader who’s trying to serve two masters—and failing both miserably.

In sum, the Democratic hand-wringing over the synagogue clashes is about as genuine as their promises to curb rising crime and antisemitic attacks. This latest scene of violence serves as just another reminder of the Left’s glaring hypocrisy and the crisis of leadership in cities and states they control.

Written by Staff Reports

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