
Biden Cuts Arms to Israel, Sparks Capitol Hill Turmoil

A recent incident at the Capitol has sparked debate among congressional members. Some have raised concerns about the decision to cut arms shipments to Israel, which has been a strong ally to the United States. This decision, made by Joe Biden, has drawn criticism for its potential impact on the relationship between the two nations.

In a confrontation captured on video, members of the activist group Code Pink questioned lawmakers about their support for Israel and accused them of endorsing genocide in Gaza. They approached Representative Virginia Foxx and attempted to engage her in a discussion about her stance on the issue. However, Foxx quickly dismissed their talking points and emphasized that she had more important matters to attend to. 


A similar exchange took place with Representative Brian Mast, who expressed his belief that Hamas, a known terrorist organization, should be decisively dealt with. He advocated for Israel to take strong action against Hamas to protect its citizens and eliminate the threat posed by the group.

The incident has highlighted the ongoing debate over US support for Israel and the approach to addressing the conflict in the Middle East. Some lawmakers continue to voice their unwavering support for Israel as a key ally, while others question the impact of US policies on the region. The exchange serves as a reminder of the deeply held convictions on both sides of the issue and the complexity of navigating foreign policy in the Middle East.

Written by Staff Reports

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