
Biden Earns Praise From Shocking Source: 48% of Haley Voters Approve!

In a surprising turn of events, an NBC News exit poll has revealed that nearly half of Nikki Haley’s voters in Virginia’s open primary actually approve of President Biden’s job performance. Yes, you heard that right – a whopping 48 percent of Haley supporters think Biden is doing a decent job. Can you believe it? These voters seem to be giving more applause to the President than the general public – talk about a plot twist!

Now, let’s break it down, shall we? When asked about their thoughts on Biden’s performance, 48 percent of Haley voters said they are cool with it, while 51 percent weren’t feeling it. On the other side of the aisle, just a teeny tiny 1 percent of Trump voters threw some praise Biden’s way, with a whopping 97 percent giving his performance a big thumbs down. Sounds about right!

But wait, there’s more. The RealClearPolling average shows that across the nation, Biden’s approval rating is under 40 percent. Ouch! Only in three polls does he manage to climb above 40 percent – with Rasmussen, Fox News, and YouGov giving him a little boost. The highest rating he got in February was 45 percent from YouGov – still not matching those Haley voters in Virginia. It’s a tough crowd out there for ol’ Joe!

Despite all the love from some Haley voters, let’s not forget who the real winner was in Virginia’s Republican primary – none other than former President Trump, who was declared the champ just 20 minutes after the polls closed. You can’t keep a good man down!

And in North Carolina’s semi-closed primary, where all sorts of folks can join the fun, the results were basically a carbon copy. Yep, you guessed it – 48 percent of Haley supporters there also gave Biden a nod of approval. It seems like these Haley voters are turning heads and going against the grain, beating out the national opinion once again.

Looks like the political drama just keeps unfolding. Who would’ve thought that some of Haley’s supporters would have a soft spot for Biden? But hey, that’s the beauty of democracy – you never know what surprises are in store!

Written by Staff Reports

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