
Biden Family Snub: Grandchild Axed from Holiday Cheer!

It seems like the Biden family’s holiday decorations are causing quite a stir at the White House! The Washington Examiner is reporting that the first lady, Jill Biden, unveiled some Christmas decor in the State Dining Room, and people couldn’t help but notice that the stockings honoring the Biden grandchildren were nowhere to be found. But here’s the real tea – President Joe Biden actually has seven grandchildren, but the decorations only showed love for six of them. It’s not hard to connect the dots – Joe Biden failed to acknowledge one of his own flesh and blood until this year.

In the past two years, Jill Biden had six stockings hanging from the chimney, leaving out the seventh grandchild completely. This year, instead of choosing sides, the White House decided to scrap the stockings altogether. Forget about being fair and inclusive – they just couldn’t make up their minds between six or seven stockings, so they said, “Screw it, no stockings for anyone!”

But fear not, Christmas joy is still in the air for the Bidens. The stockings will be given a second chance at Camp David, where the Bidens are planning to spend their holidays. However, you might want to place your bets on whether there will be six or seven stockings hanging at Camp David – it’s anyone’s guess at this point!

And let’s not forget the biggest plot twist of them all – Hunter Biden, the President’s son, has four children with his ex-wife and another child with his current wife, but there’s a little situation that caused some drama in the family. Hunter had a child out of wedlock in 2018, and the poor kid was kept hidden away until just recently. Talk about a family secret!

The moral of the story here is that even when it comes to Christmas stockings, the Biden family just can’t seem to get their act together. But hey, at least Santa Claus won’t have to make a tough decision between six or seven stockings at the White House this year!

Written by Staff Reports

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