
Biden Fingered as Puppet Master in Anti-Trump Political Witch Hunt!

A recent poll conducted by the McLaughlin & Associates polling firm has revealed that a majority of American voters believe that President Joe Biden played a role in the politically motivated indictments against his chief political rival, former President Donald Trump. A substantial majority also believes that the indictments are politically motivated and intended to prevent Trump from running for re-election. Furthermore, majorities of voters see the indictments as evidence of a double standard of justice and a deliberate distraction from alleged wrongdoing by Biden and his family.

When asked about the role of politics in the indictments, 74 percent of respondents acknowledged that politics played a factor, with 55 percent stating it played a “major” role and 19 percent saying it played a “minor” role. Only 19 percent believed that politics played no role at all in the Trump indictments. Additionally, 60 percent of respondents believed that President Biden played a role in the indictments, with 39 percent saying it was a “major” role and 21 percent saying it was a “minor” role. Only 29 percent believed that Biden played no role at all.

Even among those who support President Biden, a significant portion believes that he played a role in the indictments against Trump. This includes 33 percent of Biden 2024 voters, 38 percent of those who approve of Biden’s job performance, 40 percent of Democrats, and 50 percent of self-identified liberals.

The poll also asked respondents whether they believed the indictments were intended to prevent Trump from running for a second term. Forty-nine percent answered “yes,” while 38 percent said “no” and 14 percent were undecided.

Furthermore, respondents were asked if they believed there was a double standard and bias in President Biden’s Justice Department, with Trump and Republicans being targeted for prosecution while Biden and Democrats evade accountability. A combined 59 percent agreed that there is a double standard and bias, with 43 percent strongly agreeing. In contrast, 29 percent disagreed with the assertion.

Finally, when asked if the Biden administration and the DOJ were pushing the Trump indictments to distract the public from allegations of bribery and influence-peddling by the Biden family, 55 percent agreed, including 36 percent strongly agreeing. Thirty-four percent disagreed, including 23 percent strongly disagreeing.

These poll results align with former President Trump’s own assessment of the situation. He believes that the indictments against him are a form of election interference, stating, “What they are doing is election interference — they’re trying to interfere with an election. There’s never been anything like it in our country before. This is their way of campaigning.” Trump argues that his challenges to the 2020 election results were justified, and he maintains that he and his associates did nothing wrong.

In conclusion, the poll suggests that a majority of American voters have concerns about the political motivations behind the indictments against Trump, the double standard of justice, and the alleged distraction from the Biden family’s alleged wrongdoing. These sentiments are reflected in Trump’s own reactions to the indictments, as he perceives them as examples of election interference.

Written by Staff Reports

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