
Biden Has Conveniently Forgotten His Role In Explosive Gas Prices

To blame rising gas prices on the Ukraine conflict and corporate greed is dishonest, as Biden has done.

From the beginning, the Obama administration was staunchly anti-oil and gas development. Commodity prices, particularly oil, are influenced by his words and actions.

The president of the United States signed an executive order in 2021 prohibiting the granting of new federal land leases for oil and gas exploration. They began offering further leases in April 2022, when prices had risen substantially and the public’s demand had grown stronger.

On March 28, 2021, the Treasury Department released its Green Book, which proposed revenue efforts for the fiscal year 2023, including $150 billion in oil and gas tax increases.

April 16, 2021, was the deadline for Haaland to renegotiate 12 Trump-era energy policies.

NEPA review process would have been streamlined if SO 3349, SO 3350 “America-First Offshore Energy Strategy,” and SO 3355 “Streamlining National Environmental Policy Reviews” had been implemented. This would have allowed energy projects to be developed more consistently and logically without arbitrary and capricious NEPA review processes.

Several anti-oil and gas policies have been implemented by this administration. There are a total of 100 ways Vice President Biden and the Democrats have hindered oil and gas production, according to the American Energy Alliance. There were even more that came after that. For example, these actions show the administration’s strategy is not solely responsible for the rise in energy prices.

You can’t expect the president to be surprised when a company’s products become scarcer and more expensive as a result of the actions he takes to make it fail. It’s a direct correlation.

Prices have been affected by  President Biden’s spending bills. Everything from wheat to aluminum has become more expensive as the money supply has increased. This has the same effect on oil prices as it does on any other commodity.

As a result of a government that opposes oil and gas development and an economy that is experiencing fast inflation, gas prices have skyrocketed.

In spite of the fact that Biden is receiving what he campaigned for, he doesn’t like the polls.

The president of IER is Tom Pyle.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on DailyCaller.

Written by Staff Reports

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