
Biden May Skip Debates Over Trump’s Legal Issues Raising Questions About His Readiness

Headlines are popping up about how Biden might dodge debates against Trump. Recently, sources revealed that Biden, known for setting strict conditions, might back out if Trump faces any legal trouble. Some speculate that Biden could use Trump’s hush money trial as an excuse to cancel, claiming he can’t debate a “felon.” But with the trial lacking a strong case, this move seems more like a cowardly escape plan than a legitimate concern.

It’s no secret that Biden’s cognitive abilities are declining, as evident in his recent speech struggles. Even with pre-prepared answers, his performance in a debate is highly questionable. Sources suggest both sides are rethinking the debate rules, with Trump even considering drug-testing requirements due to suspicions of Biden being “juiced.” The skepticism surrounding Biden’s debate readiness is mounting, leading to doubts about his ability to hold his ground against Trump.


As the debate date approaches, the pressure is on Biden to revitalize his campaign and rally his supporters. However, the timing might not work in his favor, risking the event’s impact getting lost in the political shuffle. On the other hand, Trump’s camp is wary of potential interference from Jill Biden, speculating on her role in providing scripted answers to Joe. The concerns raised by insiders and reporters like Cindy Adams highlight the growing uncertainty surrounding the upcoming debates.

The mention of possibly subbing in Michelle Obama adds another layer of intrigue to the situation. While some suggest her presence could bolster Biden’s campaign, others question if her last name alone is enough to sway voters. With time running out, the window of opportunity for any strategic moves is closing fast. It’s essential for Biden to face this challenge head-on and prove his competence on the debate stage, rather than relying on questionable tactics to avoid a showdown with his opponent.

In the end, dodging debates under flimsy pretexts would only reflect poorly on Biden’s leadership capabilities. Voters deserve to see a fair and open exchange of ideas between candidates, enabling them to make informed decisions come election time. Shying away from this fundamental aspect of the democratic process would not only be a disservice to the public but also a mark of weakness on Biden’s part. It’s time for all contenders to step up to the plate and engage in meaningful debates that allow for a robust discussion of the issues at hand.

Written by Staff Reports

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