
Biden Nixes $72M in Loans for “Worthless” Degrees: Taxpayer Money Wasted?

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round because the Biden administration is at it again, making decisions that defy logic and common sense. In a bold move, the administration announced that they will be canceling student loans from borrowers who attended Ashford University, claiming that their education was “effectively worthless.” Now, before we dive into the details, let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of this decision.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, students at Ashford were apparently lied to about the cost, time requirements, and value of the degrees they obtained. But hold on just a minute! Is it really fair to blame the university for the choices made by these students? Last time we checked, nobody forced them to enroll at Ashford. It seems like the Biden administration is once again trying to absolve individuals of their personal responsibility, all in the name of political optics.

But it gets even better. The California Department of Justice, in their infinite wisdom, decided to sue Ashford and its parent company, Zovio, claiming that the for-profit college engaged in deceptive practices. Well, color us shocked! A for-profit institution using high-pressure sales tactics? Who could have possibly seen that coming? But instead of holding the students accountable for their poor decision-making skills, the Biden administration swoops in to play hero and cancel their loans.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the University of Arizona, who acquired Ashford in 2020 and now finds themselves caught in the crossfire. They had “absolutely no involvement” in the actions of Ashford, yet they might be left facing the consequences. It’s truly a testament to the Biden administration’s commitment to punishing innocent parties just to score political points.

Now, let’s talk numbers, shall we? The Department of Education is canceling a whopping $72 million in student loans for over 2,300 former Ashford students. That’s $72 million of hard-earned taxpayer money down the drain, all so the Biden administration can virtue signal and pretend to care about the so-called victims of Ashford’s deceptive practices. But what about the taxpayers who worked tirelessly to pay off their own student loans? Where is their forgiveness?

To top it all off, the evidence presented during the California case showed that only 25 percent of students graduated from Ashford within 8 years. That’s right, folks, three-quarters of students couldn’t even complete their programs. And yet, we’re supposed to believe that their education was “effectively worthless”? It sounds like they might have gotten exactly what they put into it.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s decision to cancel student loans for Ashford University borrowers is just another example of their warped priorities. Rather than holding individuals accountable for their choices, they choose to pass the blame onto others and use taxpayer money as a band-aid solution. It’s time to stop coddling the victims and start teaching personal responsibility. Let’s put an end to this cycle of entitlement and start focusing on policies that actually benefit all Americans, not just a select few.

Written by Staff Reports

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