
Biden Signs Executive Order Granting Amnesty to 500000 Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Midterms

President Joe Biden has once again shown his soft spot for bending the rules in favor of those who break them by signing yet another executive order, effectively tossing out amnesty to a whopping half a million illegal immigrants. He’s calling it “family unification,” but let’s be real about what’s really going on.

Under the current legal framework, if someone marries a U.S. citizen, they can apply for permanent residency, but here’s the catch: they usually have to leave the country first, and then they can come back in after proper vetting. This supposedly leads to family separations, a situation that causes heartbreak and earns emotional headlines. However, the White House is now setting up a system where noncitizen spouses who’ve been here for at least a decade—and they claim don’t pose a threat—can go ahead and apply for permanent residency without stepping outside U.S. borders.

This latest order extends a warm, inviting hand to around 500,000 noncitizen spouses who have been living in the United States, often under the radar, for an average of 23 years. Add another 50,000 children to the mix who will also benefit, and one starts to see the driving force behind this grand gesture. According to the administration, the bad apples—those posing national security threats—will still be dealt with as per current enforcement priorities. Because if there’s one irrefutable thing, it’s the government’s laser focus on keeping American citizens safe. Right?

In the daily White House press briefing, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre stumbled through her explanations when asked about the convenient timing of this order. With the mid-terms around the corner, it’s no surprise that the administration is grasping at straws to win over certain voter bases. The press secretary’s blunders only further fueled suspicions about the political play behind this move.

Critics are not holding back. Public figures have outright labeled the executive move as illegal. Some are even pointing fingers at the administration’s inconsistent stance on immigration. Just weeks ago, Biden pretended to take a firm stand on border security only to now hand out rewards to those who bypass legal channels, thus encouraging more of the same.

Ultimately, this is just another chapter in Biden’s ongoing saga of contradiction, where election-year theatrics take precedence over genuine leadership. While the administration might dress up its lax policies as compassionate, it’s clear these moves are more about votes than virtue.

Written by Staff Reports

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