
Bidenomics Bust: 84% of Voters Feel the Financial Squeeze!

President Joe Biden’s plan to fix inflation with “Bidenomics” has turned out to be a real flop! It’s been a real struggle for folks out there, with a whopping 84% of likely voters feeling the pinch of inflation and higher costs. And get this, nearly half of them are really having a tough time making ends meet. Ouch!

The latest McLaughlin & Associates national survey, which was shared with Secrets, has thrown some shade on Biden’s economic plan. It revealed that a whopping 50% of voters think Bidenomics has been downright terrible for the economy, inflation, and the cost of living. Yikes, talk about a major thumbs down!

But hold on to your MAGA hats, because it gets even worse for Biden. In a face-off with former President Donald Trump, the survey showed Trump surging ahead with 49% support, while Biden lagged behind at 43%. Trump is on fire and Biden’s feeling the heat, folks!

And if that wasn’t enough, other recent national surveys have also put Trump in the lead. Even the Emerson College Polling said Trump’s leading 47%-43%. It’s like Biden is giving Trump a head start in the race to the White House!

McLaughlin’s survey didn’t just stop there—it also looked into the legal troubles haunting Trump. You won’t believe this, but a whopping 67% of voters think those federal indictments against Trump are just a political play by the White House. And get this, 61% believe that Biden’s got his hands in the cookie jar and played a role in those cases. Talk about a real political drama unfolding, folks!

Pollster John McLaughlin didn’t mince words when he said, “President Trump’s strategy to run an issue-centered campaign challenging Joe Biden’s failed policies has worked perfectly. Joe Biden’s corrupt campaign of indictments against President Trump has backfired. With 54 days to the Iowa caucuses and 11 months to Election Day, Joe Biden is merely doubling down on failure.” Looks like it’s going to be a bumpy road for Biden, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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