
Biden’s $25M Hollywood Haul: Elite Bash Banks on Liberal Dollars!

President Biden’s reelection campaign is raking in a whopping $25 million from a star-studded fundraiser featuring former Presidents Obama and Clinton. This luxurious soiree hosted by Mindy Kaling at Radio City Music Hall includes performances by the likes of Queen Latifah, Lizzo, and a sit-down chat with the three presidents, moderated by Stephen Colbert. Talk about a liberal love fest!

Biden’s campaign co-chairman, Jeffrey Katzenberg, couldn’t contain his glee as he gloated to the media about their fundraising prowess. He proclaimed that every dollar they raise will go towards bombarding voters with Biden’s “historic record” and “vision for the future.” Translation: Get ready for a tidal wave of propaganda coming your way!

The Democrats are really patting themselves on the back for this one, touting it as a “massive show of force” and claiming it reflects the “momentum” behind the reelection of the Biden-Harris ticket. Cue eye-rolling here. I mean, who wouldn’t be thrilled to contribute to more government overreach and sky-high taxes, right?

Of course, they couldn’t resist taking jabs at former President Trump, boasting about their mountain of cash dwarfing that of the Trump campaign. They even threw in a dis at good ol’ Mike Pence, saying he’s “openly opposing” Trump. But let’s face it, these Dems are just throwing a party and popping champagne corks prematurely. We all know how those polls can go up in smoke come election day.

Biden’s campaign spokesman, Kevin Munoz, joined in on the victory lap, bragging about how unified and energized the Democrats are behind Biden’s reelection. With the delusion of grandeur and a huge helping of liberal hubris, they dare us to challenge their coalition-building skills. We’ll see who’s laughing come November!

Written by Staff Reports

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