
Biden’s Dog Bites Yet Again: Uncurbed Canine Chaos in White House!

President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander, has once again sunk his teeth into another unfortunate Secret Service agent, marking the 11th incident of its kind. This latest biting incident occurred when a Secret Service officer came into contact with the mischievous German Shepherd. Luckily, medical personnel were able to provide treatment to the bitten officer.

It seems that Commander has a knack for creating workplace hazards. Former Secret Service agent Jonathan Wackrow emphasized that while the president’s pets are beloved family members, they cannot be allowed to jeopardize the safety of those who work at the White House. Wackrow’s got a point! It’s like bringing a Tasmanian devil to your office job.

It’s not the first time the Bidens have had a biting dog on their hands. In 2021, their other German Shepherd, Major, also made headlines for biting incidents. Secret Service agents have even accused the White House of downplaying the severity of these attacks. They’re trying to cover up this menace!

It’s not just a matter of a couple of nips. According to the documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, Major actually bit agents over eight consecutive days, and the injuries were classified as “severe” rather than minor. Imagine turning the corner and being greeted by those ferocious fangs every day for over a week! It’s a miracle these agents are still willing to show up for work.

It’s clear that something needs to be done about the Biden dogs. It’s not fair to put individuals at risk, no matter how cute and cuddly Commander and Major might be. Sure, they may wag their tails and lick their owners’ faces, but behind those innocent eyes lie a pair of misbehaving hounds. Hopefully, the Bidens can find a solution that doesn’t involve reprimanding any more hardworking Secret Service agents or requiring them to arm themselves with dog-resistant armor.

Written by Staff Reports

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