
Biden’s Fall Exposes Dems’ Folly: Trump Warns of Cognitive Crisis!

President Donald Trump expressed his concerns regarding Joe Biden’s cognitive ability following his fall at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. During a Fox News town hall show, the host, Sean Hannity, questioned Trump about Biden’s ability to hold the presidency and his state of mind, to which Trump responded that it was not appropriate to joke about the topic. Trump stated that he had contacted Hannity earlier to express his views on the matter.

Biden, who is 80 years old, was captured taking a massive fall after delivering a commencement speech at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. To clarify the event, Trump stated that it was a serious problem that must not be brushed aside and that it does not look good for anybody to make jokes about it. Trump further stated that it is a severe and real problem that must be addressed and not be taken lightly by anyone.

In comparison to other media outlets, NBC News declared that the fall was “not important.” However, it is a clear indication that Biden’s physical and cognitive ability may already be deteriorating, which is a cause for concern. Biden appeared confused and unstable on stage before his fall, which is not what one would expect of someone holding the highest office in the country.

This goes to show that Democrats are not capable of leading America and that President Trump was the right choice for the job. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for trying to force Biden to run for a political seat. It would have been the greatest mistake the country could make to elect someone who is cognitively declining into the presidency. Trump’s concerns about Biden’s cognitive ability must not be taken lightly, and the media should stop ignoring the problem. The future of America is at stake, and it is time to take the matter seriously.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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