
Biden’s Gaffe on Women’s Rights Sparks Criticism and Declining Support Among Key Voters

Joe Biden, the king of gaffes, has once again found himself in hot water after his team’s attempt to spin a yarn about women’s rights under his administration. Claiming that women have fewer rights now than in past generations due to Donald Trump’s presidency, Biden’s statement was met with eye-rolls and some urging him to “sit down.”

While Biden and his sidekick Harris are busy fearmongering about the supposed assault on women’s rights, critics are quick to point out the administration’s failures on actual women’s issues like Title IX. It’s rather ironic to see Biden grandstanding about protecting women’s rights when he can’t even define what a woman is, a point not lost on many conservatives. 


As Biden scrambles to shore up support among women voters, recent polls show his backing among this demographic slipping, which must be giving him nightmares as he gears up for the upcoming election against a formidable opponent like Trump. The New York Times even reported on Biden’s weak lead among women, indicating a much tighter race than expected. 


Not only is Biden facing challenges with women voters, but his support among black and Hispanic voters is also dwindling, with some experts predicting record numbers for Trump among these crucial groups come November. With Biden’s coalition showing signs of fracturing, it’s evident why the campaign is becoming increasingly desperate as the election draws near.

As the debate season approaches, the stakes are high for Biden, who is struggling to hold ground against Trump’s surge in popularity. With both candidates gearing up for battle, it promises to be an interesting showdown that will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the outcome of the election.

Written by Staff Reports

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