
Biden’s Green Agenda: A Death Sentence for Striking Auto Workers?

According to striking auto workers, President Joe Biden’s green agenda, specifically his Electric Vehicle (EV) mandates, may result in the complete elimination of their jobs. Around 25,000 auto workers from General Motors (GM), Ford, and Stellantis are currently on strike, demanding higher wages to keep up with inflation and seeking assurances that their jobs won’t be phased out due to Biden’s EV mandates.

Whitney Walch, a 28-year-old auto worker from Stellantis’ Portland Parts Distribution Center in Oregon, expressed her concerns about EVs. She explained that since EVs don’t require spark plugs or oil filters, which are products they sell a lot of, she fears that they won’t have much to do if these parts are no longer needed. Walch’s worries reflect the broader sentiment among the striking auto workers that their jobs will become obsolete with the rise of EVs.

DeJhon Moore, a 37-year-old auto worker from Ford’s Michigan Assembly Plant, also expressed his skepticism about EVs. He prefers the convenience of regular gas-powered cars and doesn’t trust EVs for long-distance drives. Moore feels that EVs may not be a reliable alternative to traditional vehicles.

Cornelius Lincoln, the UAW president for GM’s distribution warehouse in Texas, voiced concerns about job security amidst Biden’s EV push. Lincoln believes that it is almost inevitable for auto jobs to be eliminated due to the rapid transition to EVs. UAW President Shawn Fain emphasized that the strike is primarily about protecting auto workers’ jobs from being sacrificed for the sake of the EV agenda.

Auto workers have been anxious about the potential complete elimination of their jobs and the dominance of China in the EV supply chain. China holds significant control over crucial resources required for EV production, such as lithium, manganese, cobalt, graphite, and nickel. Auto workers worry that a transition to EVs will result in the loss of American jobs and give China an even greater advantage in the global market.

Former President Donald Trump addressed these concerns during a Michigan visit with auto workers, expressing his loyalty to American labor over what he called “left-wing crazies” supporting the EV agenda. Trump believes that Biden’s loyalty should lie with the American workers and not with environmentalists.

In conclusion, the auto workers’ strike against GM, Ford, and Stellantis reflects their deep concerns about the potential job losses caused by President Biden’s EV mandates. They worry that their livelihoods are being sacrificed for the sake of the green agenda, which may result in China dominating the EV supply chain. Their fears align with former President Trump’s criticism of Biden’s allegiance to the environmental agenda rather than American labor.

Written by Staff Reports

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