
Biden’s Land Grab: Solar Scheme Swallows Western Terrain!

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! This time, they’re expanding their solar development plan for public lands out West. Now, what kind of trouble could that possibly spell for hardworking Americans and our beautiful landscapes? Let’s dive in and take a gander at the latest scheme cooked up by those Washington bureaucrats.

First things first, this new proposal sweetens the pot for solar power development on federal acres in not just six, but now eleven Western states. That’s right, now they’re eyeing lands in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. It’s like they’re playing a game of Monopoly with our public lands!

And guess what? They’re not just playing around. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is splurging $4.3 million from the Inflation Reduction Act to make this solar dream a reality. But hold onto your hats, because there’s more! The Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory is in on the action too. They’re estimating that 700,000 acres of public land will be gobbled up for this solar development. Can you believe that? All that land, gone to solar panels!

But wait, there’s a silver lining, folks. The grand poobahs at the BLM are trying to spin this as a positive thing for the clean energy transition. They’re yammering on about achieving President Biden’s goal of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035. But hey, do we trust these Washington types to keep our best interests in mind? Not so fast!

And if you thought that was the end of it, think again! The BLM is also cooking up plans for wind power and geothermal projects on public lands out West. They’re talking about adding a whopping 37 gigawatts in renewable energy generation to Western power grids. It’s like they’re on a mission to cover every inch of our beautiful countryside with these energy projects!

So, what’s next in this socialist playground? The BLM says they’re opening up their draft proposal for public comment, but who knows if they’ll actually listen to the hardworking Americans who rely on these public lands for their livelihoods. And they’re aiming to roll out a final plan by the end of the year. Can you believe the nerve of these bureaucrats?

Folks, it’s time to take a stand and protect our public lands from being gobbled up by these big government energy projects. Let’s show those D.C. suits that we won’t stand idly by while they play Monopoly with our backyard!

Written by Staff Reports

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