
Biden’s Potential Power Play: Internet Kill Switch!

In a recent interview, Kentucky Republican Rand Paul sounded the alarm about a federal law that grants the president the authority to shut down the internet with a so-called “kill switch.” Paul expressed concern that this power, meant to be used during emergencies, could be abused and result in the infringement of American freedoms. He pointed to the misuse of emergency powers during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the CDC took advantage of a 1930s law to suspend mortgage and rent payments. Paul emphasized that the power to shut down the internet is particularly concerning, as it was never intended to be used in this way and could have far-reaching consequences. He called for the elimination of emergency powers, stating that no president, regardless of party affiliation, should have this level of control.

Paul also mentioned a bill he’s co-sponsoring with Democrat Tulsi Gabbard to remove the “kill switch” rule. He drew attention to the checks and balances in place in Kentucky, where the governor’s emergency powers are limited to 30 days and require the approval of the state legislature to be extended. He argued for similar automatic expiration of emergency powers at the federal level. Paul criticized the measures taken during the pandemic, raising doubts about their effectiveness and scientific basis. He concluded by highlighting the need to curb the president’s power to shut down all communication and the importance of protecting Americans’ access to information in times of crisis.

Considering the potential consequences and abuses associated with the power to shut down the internet, it is clear that this authority should be restricted. Democratic Representative Anna Eshoo and Republican Representative Morgan Griffith proposed the Preventing Unwarranted Communications Shutdowns Act, which aims to limit the president’s power by imposing stricter criteria for its use, limiting the shutdown duration to 12 hours, and requiring communication with state government leaders. Rand Paul and others have rightly called for action to prevent the misuse of this power. The unrestricted ability to shut down all communications poses a serious threat to American citizens and undermines the principles of freedom and democracy. It is crucial to ensure that no president has this kind of control over vital communication networks.

Written by Staff Reports

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