
Biden’s Rose Garden Fairy Tale: Ignoring Jobs Failures & Fooling America

President Joe Biden addressed the nation from the Rose Garden in a display of irrational optimism, completely omitting the truth that was hiding in the August jobs data. Biden choose to see the world through his rose-tinted aviators despite the unexpected increase in the unemployment rate and the revising of prior months' statistics down by a staggering 110,000 jobs.

To make matters worse, Biden had the gall to boast that he had managed to keep unemployment "below 14 percent." Mr. President, 3.8 percent is a very long way from "below 14 percent." Bidenomics appears to be more about show than genuine economic accomplishment.

Biden attempted to persuade the American people that our country has the lowest inflation rate among developed nations while also downplaying the terrible unemployment situation. A fact check swiftly showed that the United States of America is outperformed by Denmark, Greece, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, and Switzerland in terms of inflation rates. Biden might need to put his rose-colored spectacles aside and face reality.

However, let's discuss the topic that Biden skillfully avoided: the effect of his policies on regular Americans. Real earnings have fallen under his watch, leaving those who work hard to struggle to make ends meet. Since Biden assumed office, inflation has increased the price of goods and services by almost 16%. However, the president disregarded the financial struggles that 61 percent of Americans—those who live paycheck to paycheck—face.

Biden swaggered back into the West Wing after being snubbed by the press when asked about the misery of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck. He has made it abundantly evident that he doesn't care about the problems and challenges that regular Americans face.

It's time for Biden to take off his aviators, confront the facts, and admit that his economic ideas were unsuccessful. He needs to accept responsibility for the financial bind his cherished "Bidenomics" has put Americans in rather than relying on false optimism. The American people should have a leader who will listen to their concerns rather than one who ignores them when times are difficult.

Written by Staff Reports

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