
Biden’s Secret Lunch: Plotting with Phantom “Experts” or Dodging Democracy?

President Joe Biden snuck away unannounced for a dubious lunch with historians and purported experts in the unknown. An unannounced lunch break, which was strategically omitted from the official timetable, was abruptly authorized prior to 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. Exactly what occurred concealed behind those doors? It seems that the White House is not inclined to divulge the information, as nobody knows.

"President Biden met with a group of scholars and historians this afternoon to discuss the opportunities and threats that continue to plague democratic institutions and democracy in the United States and around the world," the White House said. However, Biden is not listening to these purported historians and academicians; what do they have to say? Good people, this is some nefarious enterprise.

Adding to the mystique is the fact that the identities of these "scholars" were withheld. "At this time, I do not have a list [of names] to share," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded in response to a question regarding the attendees. What do they feel the need to conceal? Do these "scholars" represent genuine scholars, or do they simply consist of individuals deliberately selected by Biden to support his position?

Biden is using this lunch as part of a grand strategy to continue igniting the commotion surrounding the events of January 6 and to portray all conservatives as twisted villains. Democratic members are unable to move on from the past. The Republicans have been striving to advance, while Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have established an annual tradition of delivering speeches in support of Capitol riots. However, why not continue to sow unwarranted controversy?

Moreover, Jean-Pierre deftly evaded the question when probed regarding particular policy modifications aimed at safeguarding our democracy. "At this time, I have no policies to announce or preview for you," she stated, obstinately avoiding the subject of the necessity for new policies to protect our institutions. The presentation of the intended message regarding the protection of our democracy at this brunch is rather inadequate.

Ultimately, the details of what transpired at this lunch remain shrouded in mystery; however, it is evident that this total fabrication serves as an extension of Biden's continuous campaign to demonize the right wing and sustain unwarranted animosity and strife. Nevertheless, the mysterious lunch did provide some juicy gossip, which is something to behold in the complicated world of Washington politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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