
Biden’s Subpoena Scolding Backfires: Hunter Skips Congress Deposition

President Joe Biden, the man who loves to preach about accountability and holding people responsible, is now facing the consequences of his own past statements. It seems that his defiant son, Hunter Biden, has decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and skip out on a deposition before Congress. Oh, the irony!

Just a few months ago, in October 2021, Biden was quick to call on the Department of Justice to prosecute those who defy congressional subpoenas. He even had the audacity to say that anyone who doesn’t respond to a “legitimate committee” should be held responsible. Well, Mr. President, it seems that these words have come back to bite you.

It’s quite amusing how Biden was all for holding former Trump advisor Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee. But when it comes to his own son, who is knee-deep in shady overseas business dealings, suddenly he’s singing a different tune.

Hunter Biden’s attorney has called for him to testify publicly instead of appearing for a deposition requested by Republicans. How convenient. It’s clear that the Bidens are trying to sweep this under the rug and avoid any accountability for their actions. But the American people deserve the truth.

During a press conference, Hunter Biden had the audacity to claim that his father was never “financially involved” in his questionable business dealings. Seriously? We’re supposed to just take his word for it? The evidence suggests otherwise. The Ways and Means Committee found that Joe Biden used a pseudonym to exchange emails with Hunter’s business associate. That doesn’t sound like a man who is completely disconnected from his son’s affairs.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that there is a pattern of dishonesty and deception within the Biden family. Joe Biden may talk a big game about accountability, but when it comes to his own family, he’s more than willing to look the other way. This is not the leadership we need in the White House.

The American people deserve a president who will be honest and transparent, someone who will hold themselves, and their family, to the same standards they expect from others. It’s time for Joe Biden to answer for his son’s actions and stop hiding behind empty rhetoric.

Written by Staff Reports

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