
Billie Jean King May Become First Female Athlete to Receive Congressional Gold Medal

Former world No. 1 tennis star, Billie Jean King, recently visited Capitol Hill to advocate for a proposed law that would award her the Congressional Gold Medal. This legislation was introduced in March by Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ). Fitzpatrick’s office commended King for her significant contributions to the passing of Title IX and her tireless advocacy for gender equality in sports. They highlighted her leadership and inspirational impact on women in athletics and broader society.

King, who previously received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 as the first female athlete to do so, is poised to break another barrier with this Congressional Gold Medal. Fitzpatrick noted that their bipartisan initiative would make King the first female athlete to receive this honor, further cementing her status as a pioneering figure in breaking down barriers.

The Senate has also approved a similar bill to present King with the Congressional Gold Medal. Other athletes who have received this distinguished award include Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Roberto Clemente, Jack Nicklaus, and Arnold Palmer, among other notable sports icons.

Written by Staff Reports

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