
Blinken Dodges Crucial Questions on Israel Aid and Afghanistan Withdrawal

Secretary of State Blinken was questioned by Congress about the Biden administration’s actions on the global stage. Congressman McCaul inquired about the decision to withhold military aid to Israel, citing President Biden’s previous statements on the matter. Blinken attempted to assure Congress that the administration is committed to providing Israel with the necessary support for self-defense but did not directly address whether more weapons would be withheld. Additionally, Blinken evaded questions about notifying Congress in advance of aid withholding decisions.

McCaul also pressed Blinken about appearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee for further questioning on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Blinken did not make a clear commitment to testify, instead highlighting his past appearances before the committee and the efforts made to provide information on the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Overall, the questioning revealed a lack of straightforward answers from Blinken on crucial matters regarding U.S. foreign policy.

Written by Staff Reports

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