Russian officials have announced on Tuesday that the country has successfully tested an “advanced” intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). This comes weeks after Russia decided to stop participating in the nuclear arms control agreement called New START treaty. Putin’s missile launch is a clear message to the west that Russia is prepared to combat any such attempts against it. The NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg took this move as preparing for more war and regretted the decision by Russia to suspend its participation, calling it more nuclear weapons and less arms control, making the world more dangerous.
Oh, great…
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) April 17, 2023
Putin’s missile launch was said to be a deliberate show of strength against the west, showing that Putin is never backing down when it comes to safeguarding Russian interests. The ICBMs are so advanced that Russian propagandists claim that no air defense system can shoot them down, making them the biggest threat to the world. The launch of the missile definitely signified Vladimir Putin’s commitment to keeping Russia’s supremacy over the western countries.
Russia tested a RS-28 Sarmat super-heavy ICBM
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) April 20, 2022
It is high time that the US pulls its act together and takes a stand with Russia; it should reaffirm and recognize its commitment to peacekeeping instead of plunging the world into chaos. The US needs a president focused on America’s interests, not the globalist agenda, to ensure its security and restore its position as the world superpower.