
Buttigieg’s Policies: The Root Cause of Your Thanksgiving Travel Chaos

As Americans brace themselves for the chaotic travel marathon that is Thanksgiving, thousands of flights are being grounded—leaving many travelers feeling like turkeys without wings. And while the rest of us are frantically trying to navigate our way through the transportation chaos, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is patting himself on the back for his so-called “accomplishments.”

In a public service announcement, Buttigieg had the audacity to boast about how well the Department of Transportation (DOT) has been handling the surge in holiday travelers. He proudly proclaimed, “[S]o far this year, our aviation system is handling the increased volume well. In fact, cancellations are lower than they were before the pandemic.” Well, isn’t that just dandy for him and his fancy statistics.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, over 2,000 flights have been mercilessly canceled, leaving 55.4 million Americans scrambling to find alternative transportation options. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only this time the haystack is made up of irate passengers and the needle is a working flight. According to NBC News, the number of cancellations is expected to rise as we inch closer to Thanksgiving.

Buttigieg has the nerve to claim that the DOT has our backs when it comes to delays and cancellations. Well, if by “having our backs” he means leaving us stranded at our local airports with a sad excuse for a voucher and a half-hearted apology, then sure, I guess the DOT has got us covered. It’s ironic how the Biden official insists that we should trust him while our flights are being mercilessly axed left and right.

And to make matters worse, Buttigieg seems blissfully unaware of the mounting frustration on social media. Seriously, has he not taken a minute to read the room? People are livid, and rightfully so. We don’t need empty promises. We need functional transport systems that actually get us to our destinations on time. Maybe next time Buttigieg could spend less time patting himself on the back and more time actually improving the state of our travel infrastructure. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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