
CBS Axes Journalist Herridge, Snoops Her Stuff: Biden Bias Cover-up?

The recent termination of journalist Catherine Herridge by CBS has caused quite a stir in the media world. Not only did CBS let her go, but they went all CSI on her and confiscated her files and computers faster than you can say “fake news.” This move raised a lot of eyebrows, especially considering Herridge was known for breaking stories that weren’t flattering to the Biden administration. Could it be that CBS is trying to silence conservative voices and toe the liberal line? Sounds like it to this writer!

Unsurprisingly, Herridge’s colleagues were left scratching their heads, wondering why such a respected reporter was shown the door. Word on the street is that CBS even snatched up her post-its and coffee mugs – talk about petty! A former CBS bigwig called the whole situation “outrageous,” and I couldn’t agree more. Where’s the respect for journalistic integrity and the protection of sources?

Just when you thought things couldn’t get more dramatic, enter the SAG-AFTRA union, who’s throwing shade at CBS faster than a cat knocks over a glass of milk. They’re not buying CBS’s explanation and are gearing up to fight for journalistic freedom and source confidentiality. Let the battle of the unions begin!

And if that wasn’t enough, Herridge’s past is coming back to haunt her faster than a ghost in a haunted house. A federal judge is breathing down her neck, demanding she spill the beans on her confidential sources from an old investigation. But Herridge is digging in her heels, standing up for the First Amendment like a modern-day Paul Revere. Will she emerge as a hero for truth and justice, or will she end up drowning in fines faster than you can say “freedom of the press”? Stay tuned, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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