
CNN Shields Biden Clan, Ignores Dark Truth on Hunter’s Tax Probe

CNN, always fashionably late to the party, has decided to rehash an already debunked counternarrative regarding the FBI’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes. They seem hell-bent on protecting the Biden family at all costs, even if it means ignoring the facts and testimonies from officials involved in the case.

FBI Agent Thomas Sobocinski made it clear that he never heard US Attorney David Weiss say he lacked the authority to charge Hunter Biden. In fact, Sobocinski’s recollection suggests that Weiss had the power to file charges at will. But CNN conveniently ignores this key testimony because it doesn’t fit their agenda.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Zeigler have come forward with claims that undermine the narrative pushed by CNN. They allege that Weiss actually said he needed approval from the top brass at the Department of Justice before charging Hunter Biden. These claims directly contradict Shapley’s previous assertions and raise doubts about the supposed political interference in the investigation.

House Republicans, rightfully skeptical of the Justice Department’s impartiality, have launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and his family. They want to get to the bottom of the alleged political influence in Hunter Biden’s tax investigation. But CNN, as always, is trying to downplay these concerns and undermine the Republicans’ efforts.

One meeting in October 2022 has become the source of contention. Shapley claims that Weiss declared he was “not the deciding person” on whether to charge Hunter Biden during that meeting. House Republicans argue that this statement indicates Weiss was not in control of his own investigation and was simply deferring to a higher authority. But CNN conveniently leaves out the possibility that Shapley’s claims are false or exaggerated.

The corrupt DOJ, which has lost much of its credibility with the public, still seems to rely on CNN as a pipeline for their counternarratives. It’s ironic considering that this once-reliable channel lost its neutralizing power back in June. The Justice Department has repeatedly tried to protect the Bidens, even falsely claiming that then-Attorney General William Barr had already investigated and dismissed the allegations against Hunter Biden. In reality, Barr referred the matter to Mr. Weiss, who has been accused of slow-walking the charges and letting more serious tax violations go unpunished.

Despite attempts to discredit Shapley, his credibility has been reaffirmed by a top official in the IRS’ investigations unit. This further supports the notion that there is something more to the Hunter Biden tax investigation than meets the eye. But CNN is too busy cozying up to the Biden administration to report the facts objectively.

It’s disappointing, but not surprising, to see CNN continue to peddle biased narratives in favor of the left. The American people deserve honest reporting and a thorough investigation into these allegations. It’s time for CNN to step up its game and start serving the truth rather than playing partisan politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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